

The Church Council serves as the governing body between congregational meetings. The council is comprised of four officers, eight Ministry chairpersons, a Women's Association representative and Nominating Chair. A description of each Ministry  and group follows. 

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Ministries and Chairs

  • Adult Education Holly Eastman

  • AP&P Doug Steele

  • Children and Youth Carol Harpster

  • Finance Pam Figlar - Interim

  • Nominating. TBD

  • Outreach & Mission Alicia Harrison

  • Parish Life Amy Haggerty

  • Stewardship TBD

  • Women's Association Ann Bronneck

  • Worship Nikki Ramirez and Wynne Zalewski

  • Music Committee Deborah Brandell

Ministry of Administration, Property & Personnel

Members oversee the maintenance, operations and capital improvements of the Church's physical plant. This ministry also establishes a personnel policy for and provides supervision of non-professional staff.

Ministry of Adult Education 

The Ministry of Adult Education uses our Sunday worship experience as a starting point and offers diverse opportunities to enrich our faith.  We offer Bible Study, sermon reflections, and promote visiting speakers. We add extra dimensions of faith exploration through art, music, literature and community engagement. We are open to new paths to deepen our faith and understanding of God’s world and welcome the involvement and suggestions from the congregation.

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Ministry of Children & Youth

Members ensure quality activities and Christian education within our Church for children and young adults. Programs they oversee include Church School, Confirmation, Family Faith and outreach activities.

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Ministry of Finance

Members are responsible for the fiscal affairs of the church, which includes preparing and submitting a budget to the Church at the Annual Meeting and administering it on a monthly basis. The committee makes decisions regarding insurance, investments, and computer software.

Ministry of Outreach & Mission

Members develop and oversee hands-on outreach and service projects that provide opportunities for meaningful involvement by our congregation to serve their neighbors in need, near and far. We also manages the disbursement of budgeted funds to meet local humanitarian needs and coordinates special denominational offerings benefiting homeland and global ministries of the United Church of Christ.

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Ministry of Parish Life

Parish Life members are responsible for fellowship functions for the Church Community. We work with other ministries to coordinate events such as Celebration Sunday, Bingo Nights, potluck dinners, and the Confirmation Brunch.  Events planned for the coming year include a Mexican Night, Cookie Exchange, and a Pasta and Pops evening. Parish Life members also award scholarships for continuing education to high school seniors.

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Ministry of Stewardship

Members are responsible for the raising of funds necessary for the work of the church as directed by the Church Council. The committee plans and conducts the annual pledge campaign.

Ministry of Worship

Members work in consultation with the ministers to establish the general format of the services of divine worship and organize the roster of ushers, communion servers and lay leaders. A Music Committee functions under Worship to address the effective utilization of music in the worship life of the church.

Music Committee

A Music Committee operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Worship to address the effective utilization of music in the worship life of the church and to lend support and guidance to the many music programs the church offers.

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Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee’s role is to present a slate of people to the church membership at the Annual Meeting to be elected to positions as church officers and members of the various ministries as defined by the constitution and bylaws of the church.

Women's Association

All women of the church are included in this friendly fellowship which serves the local church, community, and beyond. The Women’s Association’s many fundraising efforts help support local benevolences, as well as special projects for the maintenance of our buildings. Two Rummage Sales are held each year, one in the spring and one in the fall. In addition, our Antiques Show is held each February. The show, first opened in 1947, is the longest running antiques show in Northern New Jersey and one of the oldest in the United States. More information is available on the Antiques Show website. Fellowship is also an important feature of the Women’s Association. The women meet throughout the year over brunch, luncheon, or dinner to conduct business or to enjoy special programs.

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